Social practices and perceptions
Characterise water use practices and the representations/perceptions that drive them to identify ways of transforming them.
The aim of our research is to characterise water use practices and the representations/perceptions that drive them in order to identify ways of transforming them for sustainable management.
They combine:
- Individual surveys on a representative sample of the population, to identify behaviours, attitudes and associated social representations;
- Individual semi-directive interviews and discussion groups to specify the components of social representations, the norms and values that drive them;
- Discussion groups to deliberate on options for regulating these behaviours, using a variety of media depending on the context and the issue at stake: forward-looking scenarios, collective role-playing, discussions with experts, etc;
- A restitution of individual and collective preferences on the regulations to be promoted.
- Large-scale participation in policy design: citizen proposals for rural development in Tunisia, 2022
- Combining narrative scenarios, local knowledge and land-use change modelling for integrating soil erosion in a global perspective, 2021
- Cycling along a River: New access, new values?, 2020
- Waste water reuse in France - Social perception of an unfamiliar practice, 2020
- Exploring the Potential of Groundwater Markets in Agriculture: Results of a Participatory Evaluation in Five French Case Studies, 2020
- Water Quality and Water Related Ecosystem Services in the Olifants in South Africa: A qualitative approach, 2020
- Le compteur communicant : perception des irrigants. Le cas du bassin du Louts, 2019
- Participatory scenario planning for sustainable irrigated agriculture when actors seldom communicate: an experiment in Morocco, 2018
- Smart metering: A water-saving solution? Consider communication strategies and user perceptions first. Evidence from a French case study, 2018
- Society's preferences for Ecosystem Services from Irrigated Rice Areas: a case study in Northeast Thailand, 2018
- Natural flood management from the farmer's perspective: criteria that affect uptake, 2017
- Social justice and groundwater allocation in agriculture: A French case study, 2016
- Policy instruments for decentralized management of agricultural groundwater abstraction: a participatory evaluation, 2015
Members who used it
Patrice Garin , Cécile Hérivaux , Damien Jourdain , Marielle Montginoul , Sylvie Morardet , Jean-Daniel Rinaudo , JJ Rouillard